I've been brining this genre back into my business and it is so exciting. However, I want to clarify - it is definitely NOT that 80's soft focus and pink feather boa "glamour" style photography you are having a flash back of as you read these words, "Glamour Photography". This is classic, contemporary portrait photography with what I call, a fashion twist. It is timeless and reflects the kind of poses and lighting you've seen in glamour magazines f o r e v e r.
Even if you google, "glamour photography" chances are you will still get something quite different than what I'm appealing to in my work. I don't think there is a real word for what describes it other than its a new take on an old idea. Its fresh, its exciting, its modern and its for women of all ages. Soft, beautiful flattering light. No vaseline on the lens and no feather boas. Who wouldn't like their own private glam session, get hair and make up done followed up with a photo shoot? Most women haven't ever had a make over much less a photo shoot.
I think part of what I love about this work is that these women walk into the studio and are transformed.
I'm not talking about just the hair and make up. There is sparkle, a light that goes on that shines, an energy shift and confidence they start to believe what I already see, that they are beautiful. There is a release, the shoulders relax, they start to have fun and let go. Its not what happened to them on the outside but the beauty they discovered within. Therein lies the magic. Wow, I just love when that happens!!
Its classic yet contemporary glamour portrait photography with a gorgeous personalty shift!
"I put everything I have into each photograph and photo session. Every person is important to me and it makes me so happy to be able to work with such amazing beautiful people day in day out"
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